We’ll close out 2010 with a media-crit-heavy link roundup: Style, Usage, Journalism (Unca Darrell) The Apple Dumpling Gang Strikes Again…..(Part IV) (Harris County Almanac) The Apple Dumpling Gang Strikes Again…(Part V) (Harris County Almanac) In
Just before Christmas, we were amused by a Chronicle editorial with the following headline: Pension perils: Our city cannot keep avoiding this issue. Leaders must deal with unfunded liability The editorial praised Mayor Annise Parker,
WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HAND JOE HOLLEY A HANKY? He’s overcome: Afterward, the 60-year-old Democratic Precinct 2 commissioner professed not to know what’s next. A public official since 1985, when she was appointed chief judge of
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone. Here’s hoping Pancho Claus left lots of goodies under your holiday tree. Thanks to everyone who visits and contributes to the little blog. We’re looking forward to a happy and prosperous
The feds delivered Harris County Commissioner Jerry Eversole an early Christmas gift yesterday: Harris County Commissioner Jerry Eversole indicted (Wayne Dolcefino, KTRK-13 News) Harris Co.'s Eversole pleads not guilty (Chris Moran and Brian Rogers, Houston
A LESSON IN PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE: I completed my final chemo treatment last week, and I’m in the homestretch of this little journey that began last March. I have one more step — another surgery
It’s your omnibus Monday morning edition of news and views (because why let this stuff die in the weekend media black hole?): Metro loses $26 million in ending CAF contract (Michael Reed, Examiner News) The
Friend and government watchdog Tom Bazan passes along his letter on the soccer stadium deal, which apparently was published on the Chron editorial page this week: The taxpayers paid $15 million for the land that
It’s your Thursday “tax-and-spend” edition of news and views: City Council votes to boost nearly 150 fees (Bradley Olson, Houston Chronicle) Councilman C.O. Bradford said the fee increases, coupled with water rate hikes of more
Time to dump some news and views: Wilson’s defense costs Metro almost $150,000 so far (Michael Reed, Examiner News) Metro’s outside legal expenses toward defending former President and CEO Frank Wilson now approach the $150,000