Another of Houston’s top cops (METRO’s police chief) involved in crash

Image credit: Pixabay

Last month, Mayor Annise Parker’s handpicked police chief rammed a downtown pedestrian with his car (propelling the poor guy), gave a highly inaccurate account of the incident, and was not cited by HPD for the accident (instead, he “accepted” the mayor’s wrist-slap “punishment”).

Odd METRO police car photo, via METRO social media.
Odd METRO police car photo, via METRO social media.

KHOU-11 reports today that METRO’s top cop, Chief Victor Rodriguez, apparently was at fault in a collision while driving a METRO vehicle (not the Danger Train!) this past Sunday:

Chief Victor Rodriguez was off duty and traveling to the store in a fleet vehicle when he collided with another motorist in the 11700 block of Bogey Way at Scarsdale around 4 p.m.

The driver in the car struck by the chief was injured when the airbag deployed.

Rodriguez’s vehicle was inoperable after the collision. He was accused of failing to yield the right of way.

So, he was off duty, still using a METRO vehicle, blitzed someone, and rendered the METRO vehicle inoperable. Well played, Chief!

We wonder if Interim METRO President and CEO Tom Lambert (yes, you read that right; yes, that’s the bumbling former METRO Police Chief turned METRO corporate climber!) dashed down to the scene, got in Rodriguez’s face, and barked: “What part of safety do we not understand?” like he used to do after Danger Train collisions? Probably not.

From the last graf, it does sound like Chief Rodriguez was at least cited for his traffic violation that resulted in an injury, unlike Mayor Parker’s police chief.

About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX