Suppose Jeff Cohen is the chairman of the High School Journalism
committee for ASNE, the American Society of Newspaper Editors. And let’s suppose, hypothetically of course, that Cohen knows a journalist who might be a good speaker for a fundraiser for the High School Journalism committee. And suppose Cohen contacts someone who knows someone who handles the fundraising activities for the committee and suggests the journalist speak for that fundraiser.
Should we then conclude that Cohen is involved in the day-to-day fundraising operations of the High School Journalism committee? I wouldn’t.
Suppose John Kerry is running for president. For the Democratic party. And suppose, no hypotheticals this time, the DNC has some interesting connections with 527 groups. Suppose someone who worked for MoveOn.org, now works for the DNC. And suppose someone who sits on the DNC Executive Committee is the founder of a 527 group. And suppose that the DNC announces on its website that it has partnered with 527 groups:
The Democratic Party is partnering with MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, Campaign for America’s Future, and dozens of other groups representing millions of Americans to organize a massive public mobilization. On Wednesday, May 14, join us by calling and emailing your representatives in Congress to let them know that the majority of Americans oppose more irresponsible tax cuts that go overwhelmingly to the wealthiest sliver of Americans.
Should we conclude that some people involved with 527’s are running things at the DNC or vice versa? Well, we have yet to see that story out of the Chronicle, so I guess we aren’t supposed to reach that conclusion.
Yet, the Chronicle has reached the conclusion that a memo one of its reporters obtained shows that Rep. Tom DeLay is much more involved with day-to-day operations at TRMPAC because (get ready) DeLay suggested Rep. Billy Tauzin headline a fundraiser.
Here’s the Chronicle story. Here’s the memo. It seems to be a pretty far leap, but you can look for yourself and decide.