Back in 2002, Michael Wayne Goodman was approached by a Pct. 4 Deputy Constable. Goodman assaulted the deputy and fled. The deputy sent his dog after him. Goodman got a hold of the dog and
…is that self-designated elite sophisticates would be in charge of determining what’s okay and what’s not. Like Councilman Peter Brown. I thought a 23-story mixed-use project was exactly the kind of development new urbanists long
In his column today, the Chronicle‘s reader representative informs that he’s moving on: Next week will be my last at the Chronicle and as Readers’ Representative (so, fire away or forever hold your abuse). I
Remember when the city hurriedly installed 20 more red light cameras, even though the 50 that Council approved had already been installed? Suspicion was that this was to beat a new state law that imposed
Mayor White has come out against a big high-rise condo project in the Rice University area, and he has promised legislation to deal with projects like this in the future. Cory blogs about this at
The Houston Press‘ annual “Best Of” issue is out, and lots of interesting choices have been made. Perhaps some could even be called…unexpected. Check it out, if you haven’t already. Thanks to Banjo Jones for
As promised, KTRK-13’s Wayne Dolcefino tells us how to ride Metro’s transit offerings for free: we’ve found a way you can ride the bus or the rail absolutely free anytime you want. “Are you referring
Last night on KTRK-13, Wayne Dolcefino took a look at what it cost to make those goofy videos on Metro’s website: Just how much of your money is METRO spending to convince you to ride
According to a new study, Houston’s vibrant arts scene contributes substantially to the local economy (via Houston Business Journal): “The Business of the Arts: A Look into The Economic Impact of the Arts on the