KTRK picks up sleeping Metro cop story

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Metro cop, asleep on the job

KTRK-13’s Miya Shay reports tonight on a photo of a sleeping Metro police officer that was featured on Dan Patrick’s Lone Star Times a few days ago.

It’s an interesting case of citizen activism and the internet driving the news.

Who knows, maybe the Chronicle will even get around to reporting on it. But since it’s Lucas Wall’s transportation beat, it may take a month or so.

KTRK has an interesting quote from Metro police chief Tom Lambert, who has been conspicuously silent since someone on Mayor White’s staff figured out Lambert’s screaming “What part of safety don’t we understand?!” at taxpayers wasn’t the best way to handle light rail collision PR:

Metro police chief Tom Lambert

“We are very upfront that we have a very professional police organization,” stressed Chief Lambert. “It embarrasses all the professionals within our organization when we don’t always hit the mark. And sometimes we don’t always hit the mark. So we were not totally pleased with that as well.”

In fact, Chief Lambert says before the photos even made it on the Internet, the day it happened other alert officers also saw Officer Ramsey in her car. They alerted METRO supervisors and that is why she was already disciplined. She remains on the force.

Sure they did, Chief. And then they went off to wrap gifts for Pancho Claus to deliver!

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX