KHOU-11 gives us a little story on how Metro is keeping track of Rodeo fans:
This year, a new computer system keeps track of who is coming from which lot.
“We can look and say ‘We brought 6,000 people from that lot and only 3,000 of them have returned, so we know we need this many more buses’, so it allows us to put our allocations in place to make it smooth for everyone, ” said Leroy Shaefer, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
Metro’s light rail is also helping get people to and from the show. Last year, 100,000 rode the rails in, and that’s not just a number. It’s very official business.
“I’m a Metro traffic checker,” said Mary Young as she clicked her counter. When asked how many people had just gotten off the last train, “We are told that we can’t give out that information,” she said.
We’ll find out what Metro says Rodeo ridership was when Metro lets the Chronicle report on it.