Coming soon: Chronicle reporting on Reps. Jackson Lee and Green?

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Yesterday an interesting thing popped up on Rush Limbaugh’s show:

Now, I want to take you to C-SPAN this morning. There was a caller, a caller to C-SPAN’s Washington Journal. The host is Rob Harlson. The guest is Houston Chronicle congressional correspondent Gebe, G-e-b-e. How would you pronounce that? Gebe? Geebe? Geebee? I don’t know how to pronounce it. If it was G-a-b-e I’d say “Gabe.” Her name is Martinez, and so what have here, what you have here is a caller — a caller, ladies and gentlemen — to C-SPAN doing the job the mainstream media used to do. A caller at C-SPAN, doing the job for the media they should be doing. The host Harlson says, “Our next call toms from Tampa, Florida. Good morning.

C-SPAN CALLER: Are you aware of a story Rush Limbaugh read on the air (Tuesday) where the five top people in the House of Representatives were all Democrats that took trips overseas and spent the most money? And this is what the liberals do. They’ll take the New York Times together, the Washington Post, the Houston Chronicle, the same old co-conspirators to try to bring somebody down. It’s because you can’t win at the ballot box. So you can’t win at the ballot box, you’ve got to try to bring somebody down and ruin his career. It’s just disgusting. But take you know what? Take a good look around you, Ms. Martinez: We own everything and there’s nothing you and your liberals can do about it.

C-SPAN: Are there any Democrats who are in the same situation —


C-SPAN: — or being investigated for the same things?

MARTINEZ: Absolutely, and I think what’s interesting about this the way this story is developing is you’re going to see local newspapers all over the country checking into the travel practices of their members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans. I mean, the trips Mr. DeLay has taken are not uncommon. Members of both parties take them.

Well, well. blogHOUSTON eagerly awaits reporting by Ms. Martinez on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s and Rep. Al Green’s trips (although there may not be much to report on Rep. Green yet). And, since the Chronicle is neither liberal nor conservative, we’re sure she’ll investigate ethics, too. Because we all know the Chronicle supports sunshine in government.

RELATED: DeLay regrets remarks about Schiavo judges (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), DeLay wants ‘chance to defend himself’ (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Conservatives go to bat for DeLay (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), GOP leader’s ties to lobbyist deepen his own controversy (Gebe Martinez, Michael Hedges and Bennett Roth, Houston Chronicle), GOP supporters denounce call for DeLay’s resignation (Gebe Martinez and Samantha Levine, Houston Chronicle), Republican calls for DeLay to step down (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Case puts DeLay back in control of the news (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Bush voices his support of DeLay (Gebe Martinez and Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle), Administration has yet to target DeLay for ouster (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), DeLay defends his travel, fund raising (Gebe Martinez and Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle), Despite controversies, DeLay wins support (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Supporters dismiss ethics claims against DeLay (Gebe Martinez and Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle), DeLay faces noisy debate on ethics (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Bickering ethics panel in limbo (Gebe Martinez and Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle), DeLay admits aiding group, denies wrongdoing (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), GOP loyalists take seats on House ethics panel (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Republicans defend House ethics changes (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), DeLay oks reversal of rule shielding him (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), Despite criticism, DeLay is undaunted (Gebe Martinez, Houston Chronicle), DeLay legal fund returns $3 ,500 in contributions (Gebe Martinez and Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle)

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.