An unsatisfied light rail rider

Image credit: Pixabay

A contributor at HAIF asks a question about MetroRail:

After today’s disasterous commute #36 (oh yes, we’re counting) with my poor husband, I think Metrorail sucks big toes. Big nasty dirty toes at that. So, I am wondering how many here use the rail every single day and your thoughts on it.

BTW, today’s disaster was a phantom wreck and they put all the riders on shuttle buses to get to downtown only to find there was no wreck at all, in fact the minute my husband was seated on the shuttle another train passed them right by… the shuttle driver didn’t know which way to go, and we are now working on a 1 hour commute from MD Anderson hospital to right inside downtown at 45 and Main (56 minutes to be exact). I wonder how long it will take him to get home from there? My guess is another hour at least.

Thanks, Metro! You’ve done a bang-up job, no pun intended.

This was posted last Monday, May 16; I don’t remember a Danger Train crash on that day, but a responding comment says:

Local news showed helicoper shots of the wreck, near the McGowen Station.

The last crash that local media has reported (I think) is this one. Hmmmm, was there another unreported wreck?

The comments in the post are interesting, with both supporters and detractors weighing in. Several mention that current service is so concentrated in downtown, it’s almost unusable to those who live further out.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.