International brouhaha in stink-free Houston?

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Who knew that addressing the issue of Houston’s stinky libraries could cause an international crisis?

Civil rights groups and the French government were outraged today after the Houston City Council voted to pass a law banning offensive odors in all public libraries. French President, Jacques Chirac, threatened to boycott all products exported from Texas unless the law was changed.

“This is all a big misunderstanding,” said one City Council representative. “I thought the people who were the target of the complaints about bad odor were homeless. I had no idea they were just French. This wasn’t meant as a slight against the French.” Another Houston resident wasn’t as understanding. “Hey, if you stink, I don’t want you funkifying the public library where my children read books,” she said. “Deodorant is not a four-letter word, Frenchy.”

Houston libraries will begin checking passports as early as next week and deny entry to people holding French passports or to citizens of French Canadian provinces. France is considering adopting a “deodorant-free zone” in its own libraries to discriminate against all non-French citizens as retaliation for the perceived insult.

That’s pretty funny.

via ChronWatch

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.