KPRC-2 news has run a “big story” about a poll it commissioned that found weak support for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R) in his district. Unfortunately, KPRC news, which regularly trails KHOU-11 and KTRK-13
Editor and Publisher is calling today “Bloody Monday” after circulation declines were announced at many major newspapers. Banjo Jones has the bad news for the Chronicle — a decline of 3.9%. Ouch. UPDATE: Laurence Simon
It’s that time of year — property tax appraisals are arriving in mailboxes and many homeowners are facing big increases. A while back Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Paul Bettencourt mentioned (on KSEV-700) that the Harris
Filling in for the now-departed Lucas Wall is Juan Alanis who today tells us how the downtown parking meter try-outs are going: The jury is still out on which one of the seven vendors will
KHOU-11 shows Mayor White a little love with this story on the “epidemic” of red light running: Mayor Bill White says drivers who run red lights are “an epidemic”. If you’re looking for lawbreakers who
In the previous post, Kevin Whited expressed a desire to see more local news (actual NEWS, not local Live Journal offerings), and today’s Chronicle has a prime example of the problem on page A1 —
On Tuesday, I posted some thoughts on what I view as increasingly personal journalism being produced by the Chronicle. I expected more of a response from professional journalists, but instead I got a sharply critical
Tom Bazan has finally gotten his hands on Metro’s FY2004 CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) and is busy trying to digest what’s inside it. He has told us that KPMG signed off on the report
Reading the Chronicle today made us tired. And we’re feeling bratty on a Sunday when we’d rather be out catching some sunlight. So the following blurbs are just some quick observations about a Sunday edition