Radar goes on a diet

Image credit: Pixabay

It’s bad enough that KPRC-2 has a dog on its weather forecasts.

Now, the dog’s diet has become a part of the newscast:

Houston’s dubious fattest city title may apply to more than just than human residents. Veterinarians are seeing a rise in dogs and cats packing on the pounds. And Local 2’s own Radar the weather dog is one of them.

The last few months Radar has been getting heavier, which was confirmed at his annual checkup in March. So the vet has put Radar on a diet and paired him with another pudgy pooch to help motivate him and bring out his competitive spirit.

Radar is ready for his doggy diet challenge.


Radar’s diet buddy, Ned, is a Labrador adopted from the pound. Ned tipped the scales at 88 pounds when he went home with his new family.

Why make such an important health matter a News 2 exclusive?

I propose that KPRC-2 contact the Chronicle‘s Washington-based diet-diarist Cragg Hines about setting the two pooches up with LiveJournals to document their diets.

And why not bring KTRK-13’s Ilona Carson in on the action? The blogHOUSTON crew has thus far not seen any stories on her horse Pasquale, but maybe it needs to drop a few pounds as well.

There’s expertise to be tapped, and your friendly media/politics bloggers are here to help!

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX