All HISD employees should be seeing a three percent raise, with teachers also being eligible for performance bonuses, thanks to the proposed 2005-06 budget:
Teachers could earn extra money next year if their students show strong academic gains, according to a new $8 million incentive program outlined in the Houston Independent School District’s proposed $1.3 billion budget for 2005-06.
The initiative, which would set aside a 1 percent incentive pool for teachers, is being proposed alongside 3 percent pay raises for all HISD employees.
Superintendent Abelardo Saavedra said he hopes the pool can be a first step toward a pay system that includes hefty incentives for high-performing teachers.
“It’s a start. It’s not where we want to be,” said Saavedra, who hopes to release the details of how teachers would qualify for the money by September.
The merit-pay push is part of a national move by lawmakers and school districts to attract and reward qualified teachers who improve performance in public schools, especially low-performing ones. This spring, the Texas Legislature considered ordering all school districts to create the type of 1 percent pool that HISD is proposing.
KPRC-2’s coverage includes a statement from the Houston Federation of Teachers:
“The Houston Federation of Teachers appreciated the superintendent for honoring his commitment to a 3 percent across-the-board pay raise for teachers and other support personnel. He held the line even though there was pressure from his board to give only teacher bonuses.”