An amazing Good Samaritan story

Image credit: Pixabay

Banjo Jones has another must-read post:

A Good Samaritan in Brazosport has leased 17 homes for refugees from Hurricane Katrina.

They began arriving in vans from Houston about 3 o’clock this morning.

There are 84 children of various ages. Most heads of families are single mothers.

All are dirty, exhausted, dazed and very likely in shock. They’ve had little, if any, sleep for the past three days. They either waded or swam through the floodwaters to survive. All are appreciative of the helping hands that have been extended.

One boy, about 9, took a look at the home he was taken to this morning and asked, “How many families are going to be staying here with us.”

When he was told, “It’s just for you and your family,” his eyes grew wide as he looked around the house. All he could do is look to his mom in disbelief.


As much as I’d like to trumpet the name of the Good Samaritan who’s leased these homes, that will not be done. The Good Samaritan has insisted on anonymity and I have agreed.

The Good Samaritan, however, agreed to talk to The Brazosport News in hopes that we could get the word out to anyone who wants to help.


Since this local endeavor to help just came to my attention this morning, the Good Samaritan asked The Brazosport News to act as sort of a quasi-clearing house to enable those who want to help to do what they can.

If you want to help, send me an email to [email protected]

That’s outstanding! And please read Banjo’s entire post.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.