The Houston Texans will not go winless this season, as they managed to stink less than another of the league’s worst teams today, and pulled out a three-point victory at home despite generating only 237 yards of offense.
Area Exxon gas stations have been running a promotion for free coffee on Mondays after a Texans win. It’s been a very cost effective promotion for them so far this season, but they will have to pay out tomorrow.
As we’ve noted previously, the local sports media has been slow to blame Charley Casserly for the Texans’ woes this season. The Chronicle‘s Ken Hoffman, on the other hand, is pretty blunt in his latest Q&A column:
Just bought a bottle of chocolate milk and the expiration date was Oct. 31 at 4 p.m.
Are you kidding me — 4 p.m.? They can now predict the “hour” my milk will turn sour? Do you know if they took into consideration the time change and it will really be sour at 3 p.m. Monday instead?
Bill “Cowboy” Lamza
I got a letter from Reliant Energy explaining why it’s asking for a massive rate increase. Here’s a way for Reliant to keep its costs down: How about stop wasting money by putting your name on a stadium so a football team can throw only nine passes a game and have an 0-6 record?
The Texans need to do that Scrabble move, where you dump all your tiles and pick new ones — from the general manager on down to the water boy.
I’m sorry, but you’re wrong about David Carr. He’s got the talent, but he doesn’t have the support to help him out. He can’t carry the entire team on his shoulders alone. If we could get any sort of offensive line to help him out, things would be much different. Were you at last Sunday’s game? Did you see the defense play? Yeah, I didn’t either. Say all you want about David Carr, but he’s got my support. We need to look at Charley Casserly and Dom Capers.
Julie Swoboda
Actually, I think we don’t need to look at Charley Casserly and Dom Capers. They’re the biggest parts of the problem.
I’m guessing Hoffman’s not going to be getting many media perks from Charley Casserly the rest of the season.
UPDATE (10-31-05): Hoffman needs to take sports columnist Richard Justice to lunch after Justice’s latest.
If Capers is indeed fired, we may never know if it was because the players weren’t good enough or because he and his coaches weren’t good enough.
Hoffman knows, as do most people in town who don’t make their living on the Chronicle sports pages. Both Casserly and Capers deserve the blame. They both need to go after the season is over.