Further to the news that broke yesterday regarding the Mayor Pro Tem’s office, Houblog today suggests that the practice of doling out illegitimate “bonuses” to municipal employees may extend well beyond the immediate scandal, and he gives some insight into the mechanism that may have been used to award such “bonuses.”

Houblog asks one really good question: Where is Annise Parker?
Seriously, has anyone seen or heard from the City Controller?
Please read the Houblog post in its entirety. This investigation may become very interesting.
UPDATE (02-17-2006): Paul Bettencourt is guest hosting for Edd Hendee on KSEV-700, and is riled up over bonusgate. He just interviewed Councilmember Addie Wiseman, who also seemed flabbergasted over the bonusgate scandal. However, Councilmember Wiseman admitted on air that she has doled out much smaller bonuses — technically “temporary pay increases” that would amount to a bonus of $1000 — to her own employees. Neither she nor Bettencourt seemed to think this sleight of hand (which is the mechanism described by Houblog) is/was a big deal, because of the amount.
Hang on folks, because as Houblog suggests, a thorough investigation is liable to get very interesting.
Here is today’s Chronicle coverage from Matt Stiles.
UPDATE 2 (02-17-2006): Houblog posts more today.
UPDATE 3 (02-17-2006): Rick Casey (yes, Rick Casey) has a column on this topic that’s actually timely and substantive, and doesn’t appear to crib too much from the work of others. Who knew he could pull that off?