Mayor White explains why Houston needs surveillance cameras

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Here is another of those Dallas vs. Houston stories and a quote from Mayor White that apparently explains why Houston needs surveillance cameras:

Dallas leaders concede that Houston is ahead in its downtown revitalization. Houston’s Main Street has had a facelift which brought eclectic restaurants. But both cities are struggling with how you get residents to spend time and money in downtown consistently.

“The more people that come downtown the safer it is. Because people in a crowd look after each other. And it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You see it in other cities in the country, citizens looking after each other,” said Bill White, Houston mayor.

So, if more people would head downtown and play Dodge the Danger Train, then Houston wouldn’t need surveillance cameras?

(Oh, and some Dallas dude says Houston has peaked and Dallas hasn’t. Therefore, he concludes, Dallas is more fun than Houston.)

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.