More on civilian traffic patrol

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KTRH-740 has more details about a civilian traffic patrol program which would help HPD:

Assistant Police Chief George Buenik says there will be two types of patrollers. One group will essentially be traffic signal repairmen — another will control traffic as a sort of civilian police force.

Houston plans to pay for the plan with cash from an account now used for bridge and street repairs.

But there might be a glitch in that type of funding:

Councilmember Pam Holm says that method of financing the patrols may violate city rules. And, she says, it brings back a long-discarded practice at City Hall of having an “any lawful purpose fund.”

The program is expected to cost $1.5 million this year.

Bridge and street repair fund???

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Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.