It must be a slow day for news, as both KHOU-11 and KPRC-2 are actually reporting a light-rail collision (usually, we have to wait for monthly public information requests for updates on collisions). Here’s KHOU’s report:
Seven people were injured Monday when the Metro rail they were riding clipped a pickup truck.
The accident happened on Main Street and St. Joseph’s Parkway.
A Ford F-150 pickup truck was going north on Main Street when it tried to turn left in front of the light rail at St. Joseph’s Parkway, officials said.
The light rail clipped the truck.
Two people were transported to the hospital for neck and back injuries, and five other passengers were treated at the scene.
No one in the truck was injured.
KPRC reports that the truck driver was cited for an illegal turn.
Won’t it be fun when METRO lays those new at-grade tracks down busy Richmond?
UPDATE: As it turns out, the truck AND several train passengers (who were transported to the hospital) were the losers, but the truck’s passengers were not injured.
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