USA Today notices Chron's lack of Olympics coverage

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Amusing: USA Today‘s On Deadline blog has a post about how the newspapers in cities contending for the 2016 Olympics handled yesterday’s news:

[…]as articles in Chicago (Tribune story, Sun-Times story), Los Angeles (Times story) and San Francisco (Chronicle story, Examiner story) find joy over their 2016 Olympic bids advancing to the next round of consideration, papers in Philadelphia and Houston have bad news to report. Their bids are dead, failing to make the U.S. Olympic Committee cut.

The Philadelphia papers, the Daily News and the Inquirer, lead their joint site with the story this morning. “Reading between the lines, it’s clear that our international reputation was our main flaw,” the cochair of the local organizing committee tells the Inquirer. “And it was the one thing we had no capacity to address in the time frame that was available.” A sidebar talks to fans and finds them naming “crime, congestion, and lack of amenities” as reasons their city didn’t go further.


Meanwhile, in Houston, there’s zero mention of the news right now of the Chronicle’s link-packed homepage. The Chronicle’s print-edition gives the story a tease at the very bottom of its front page.

The inside story takes a procedural tone: “Houston’s elimination hinged on the fact that, based on the USOC’s survey of 58 members of the International Olympic Committee and 42 leaders of international sports federations, it lags badly behind Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco as a perceived center for international sports.”

That paragraph is one of only a few that ask why Houston lost out.

Ahhh, our beloved Chronicle. USA Today’s blogger, Patrick Cooper, might like to know that the Chron doesn’t rush into these things willy nilly. Editorial decisionmaking at Houston’s Daily Information Source is like wine — it needs to age.

And don’t even get us started on the editorials. News isn’t editorial-worthy until it’s olds. Senior citizen olds!

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.