KHOU-11’s Wendell Edwards checks in on Gonzalo Camacho, who apparently has managed to get TXDOT at least to listen to his proposals to use tunnels to expand I-45:
When he heard TxDOT was studying how to expand the North Freeway Camacho developed his own concept.
He designed what he calls the 1-45 Parkway, complete with two underground, double-stacked tunnels.
“I wouldn’t call this a light idea. If you go onto the website you can find a lot of information. It’s probably close to a year of research. And I’m talking 24/7,” said Camacho.
“We are going to take a look at that and study that as one of the options that might be permissible within the confines of the space that we have and perhaps the economy that we will have as well,” said Norm Wiggington, TxDOT spokesman.
TXDOT will surely look at many proposals it receives, but it remains to be seen if the tunnel concept (which we have discussed before) is viable.
Camacho’s tunnel proposal is located here.