Brazos Bookstore (2421 Bissonnet) has a triple-header for H-Town’s Democrats, liberals, and/or progressives and it begins tonight. I’m sure politicos of every stripe are welcome but the interest level may be highest for those who list to the left.
Thursday, May 31, 6:00 PM
What do you get when you combine California, the Beat Generation, and the 1960s? Apparently something called the “religion of no religion.” Jeffrey Kripal explains it all tonight in his book ESALEN: America and the Religion of No Religion.
Friday, June 1, 12:00 -2:00 PM
It would seem that Senator Kerry is still looking for his moment. This time he–and his wife–have cast their eyes on the future and come up with a new book: THIS MOMENT ON EARTH: Today’s Environmentalists and Their Vision for the Future. This is a 2-hour event, so fans will probably want to get to the store early. The book reflects their “combined intensive research with keenly observed personal experiences.” I didn’t see any mention of either one speaking, so it looks like this will be a signing only. I can’t help but wonder how many “pioneers” showcased are recipients of Mrs. Kerry’s foundations?
Saturday, June 2, 5:30-7:30 PM
Molly Ivins brought much joy and laughter to her audience. Saturday’s event has been crafted to bring out the best of Molly and her friends with an open microphone, stories, and readings. The Celebration of the Life and Work of Molly Ivins festivities will include the following special guests: Lou Dubose, Molly’s co-author; Charlotte McCann, publisher of the Texas Observer; Betsy Moon, Molly’s “Chief of Stuff”, the Chronicle’s Leon Hale; and Andy and Carla Ivins. A “Special Molly Issue” of the Texas Observer will be available. There is a $10 cover charge to help defray the cost of refreshments and the bookstore asks that you bring the correct change. Since the wine and beer will be flowing, I’m sure you can expect the unexpected.
I’ve always enjoyed the time spent at Brazos Bookstore. The weather we’ve had lately–minus the rain–is perfect for a trip to the store. Brazos has a great travel section, and they have a lot of books on architecture, particularly Houston’s. I think the only thing they lack is a healthy selection of conservative books and conservative author appearances; but that’s my opinion. You be the judge.