City Council will again take up the pressing issue of tightening the city’s curfew tomorrow.
Here is earlier Chronicle coverage of the matter:
Children under 17 would have to be off the streets an hour earlier on weeknights under proposed changes to the curfew ordinance discussed by the City Council on Wednesday.
The earlier curfew would help deter juvenile crime, including graffiti and gang violence, Houston Police Department Executive Assistant Chief Mike Thaler told the council Wednesday.
Mayor Bill White, who has two teenagers at home, said he supports the stricter curfew.
“Eleven o’clock is late enough,” he said. “(It) will reduce the risk to those young people, reduce the risk to the community and give new tools to law enforcement and to parents.”
But some council members have their doubts.
Councilman Michael Berry said he would vote against any curfew ordinance.
“It should never be illegal to be outside your house,” Berry said.
You wouldn’t think so, but the nanny mayor and a majority of nannies on Council seem to think otherwise.
It’s good that they have solved all of the other problems in the city — including the overall crime problem — and they have time for this.
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