Management districts take on graffiti abatement

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The Chronicle‘s Seshadri Kumar reports that management districts are taking on a bigger role in graffiti abatement:

Gangs and graffiti have a new adversary to reckon with — management districts.

As part of their mission to enhance safety, mobility and the business environment, Houston area management districts have taken a more aggressive role — and are spending more money — to combat graffiti with abatement programs.

Last year, the Brays Oaks Management District contracted with the Greater East End Management District’s graffiti abatement program to eliminate tagging within its boundaries.

The Greater Sharpstown Management District has followed suit, signing a three-month contract with the Greater East End District’s graffiti abatement program to inspect its southwest Houston area two days a week, identify graffiti and remove it October through December.

Graffiti was removed from 221 public, business and private properties in October and 121 sites in November, said Steve Pittman, communications director for the Sharpstown district.

Graffiti hasn’t seemed like much of a priority to MayorWhiteChiefHurtt, so it’s good (we suppose) that some quasi-governmental bodies are trying to pick up the slack.

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Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX