Copper thievery continues

Image credit: Pixabay

HPD needs a task force and an acronym:

Last week, copper thieves climbed up telephone poles and took the wire. Leaving an entire neighborhood without phone service.

After 11 News first reported the thefts, the phone company quickly got out there, replaced all the stolen wire, and restored phone service. Thing is, the thieves have done it again. [snip]


The phone company said that the lines along Westmount Houston have been cut three times. Cutting service to about 1,000 people.

The phone company believes thieves are after the copper in the wires. This time, someone stole about 400 feet of the cable.

AT&T wouldn’t say what the value of the stolen cable is, but did say there’s a greater cost to customers.

Customers who in times of emergency can’t even call 911. So, crews were working around the clock to patch things up — for a third time.

It sounds as if it’s time for another HPD Copper Crime Sweep.

PREVIOUSLY: If you see a copper thief, be sure to call HPD, Copper thieves shut down downtown library

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.