KTRK's Dolcefino continues looking into Harris County land deals

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Last week, KTRK-13’s Wayne Dolcefino continued his look into some suspicious Harris County land deals.

This story looks at how Michael Surface, David Blumhardt, and others figured in some really convenient (and profitable) wheeling and dealing for a property to replace Commissioner El Franco Lee’s Annex A.

This story looks at another deal by the same cast of characters and a former city councilmember — one Louis Macey. If that name rings a bell, that would be because Mayor White and most of his Council recently rushed through another profitable deal for Mr. Macey related to a possible soccer stadium for the Dynamo.

Finally, this story wraps up the series by asking if taxpayers got the winning hand out of at least nine deals involving some of the people now indicted by the FBI on other dealings.

The Chronicle also put out a story by Chase Davis on this topic. We’re not sure if Davis is continuing an earlier practice of stalking the Undercover Man, but it’s nice to see Harris County dealings getting some scrutiny in any case.

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Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX