Shutter the D.C. bureau (cont'd)

Image credit: Pixabay

Kudos to Banjo Jones and the Brazosport News for picking up an absolute gem from Politico — it seems that some of the D.C. press corps are … bored:

[S]enioritis is common in the final months of any eight-year administration. But this year, said reporters, the historically important and just plain exciting presidential race, coupled with the minimalist agenda of an unpopular president, has led to overall Bush fatigue that outranks the waning days of the Clinton administration.

“You can’t attribute it all to the presidential campaign,” said Julie Mason, White House correspondent for the Houston Chronicle. “[Bush’s] rhetoric is so exhausted. He rarely makes any news. It’s rarely worth anyone’s time to cover him like we used to.”

In addition to covering the president, Mason often chronicled the White House press corps in photos on her blog. But now, Mason said, “I don’t do it as much because there’s nobody here.”

“You hear a lot of grumbling here from people who are stuck in the White House and not getting out on the campaign,” Mason added.

It must be tough getting up to go to work in the morning knowing that you’re unlikely to add to your blog photo collection of your White House press corps mates.

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Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX