HERE is the day’s news and views roundup (the “on-the-cusp-of-a-vacation” edition):
- Metro's Greanias Forcing His Top Execs To Take The Bus Or Rail (Hair Balls)
We’ve LONG criticized the arrogance and waste of so many generous car allowances at the area’s public transit authority, so kudos to George Greanias for cutting that nonsense. Requiring 40 trips/month of execs seems excessive, but perhaps that sort of shock therapy is in order after the White/Wolff/Wilson “rogue transit agency” era. - There are so many things wrong with this…. (Harris County Almanac)
The Gulf Coast Institute can rename, rebrand, and remarket itself, but at the end of the day, Crossley is still Crossley. - Global and racial Houston, top rankings, good govt, healthy housing, and more (Houston Strategies)
- Houston Community College System's Official Newspaper Attacks King Street Patriots (Big Jolly Politics)
- Trial Lawyer millions funding Bill White attack ads? (Perry vs World)
So is the DGA targeting Perry? Maybe…but likely not because there are much smarter places for the DGA to spend its money (FL, CA, OH, MA, PA, IL, MD, etc off the top of my head). It is much more likely that an uber-rich political donor is using the DGA to temporarily conceal the source of the money. That way, the media won’t report who is funding the attacks, just that the DGA is spending money. Not only does it more or less conceal the source of the funds, but it leads political reporters who aren’t paying attention (what’s up WaPo?) to write about how the DGA is targeting the campaign, thus creating the illusion that DGA thinks the race is winnable.
Who would have a motive to try to conceal their identity for at least a few weeks?
Be sure to click over and check out Evan’s sharp guess (which gives the link a Houston flavor).
- Two City Council members, controller, fined (Chron Houston Politics)