As the Hermine rains move on, reporters will be returning to actual news beats (we hope). In the meantime, here are some morning tidbits from another slow news cycle: Gov’t ethics probe turns into probe
THE LONG HOLIDAY WEEKEND combined with a minor storm event (rain! quick, deploy all reporters to stand out in the water!) means there’s not much hard news to start the work week, but here’s a
Here’s hoping everyone had a GREAT Labor Day weekend. Here are some news items that caught our eye over the last few days (and a link/commentary format that we may continue to use, depending on
KHOU-11’S MARK GREENBLATT checks in with the “New METRO” leadership on the Old METRO’s questionable approach to financing its expensive light-rail buildout. That story follows the New METRO’s self-congratulatory press conference that was called earlier
THE CHRON’S CHRIS MORAN reports on the dueling press conferences held last week by Houston Votes, a Democratic-dominated get-out-the-vote nonprofit*, and True the Vote, a voting integrity project of a local Tea Party organization. Bottom