Cory Crow took an entertaining look into Houston’s future to start the year, and we’ve been slow to call attention to it. Here’s an excerpt:
The Astrodome: 2014 was an odd year for the Dome as it was jilted by the Texas Historical Commission but wooed by Judge Ed Emmett on multiple occasions in preparation for something. It was given a facelift for reasons vaguely related to the Super Bowl.
Prediction for 2015: Desperate to not be known as the “man who tore down the Astrodome” Ed Emmett will get increasingly desperate as each and every one of the plans put forward are proven to be economically unfeasible. In an 11th hour bid to save the Dome from demolition Emmett is going to announce that he and the Dome are, in fact, getting married and that any further attempts at demolition would cause him undue grief and harm. The Art Guys (aided by Chris Bell) will immediately file a lawsuit claiming Emmett stole their intellectual capital and would demand damages except that no-one remembers exactly who they are. Bell announces that he’ll stay in the lawsuit because Emmett is a Republican and he desperately wants to beat a Republican at something.
Read the entire post here: Happy New Year: A hopeful peek into Houston’s 2015 – Cory Crow, Your Drink Order Please.