Move It! tackles SAFEclear and AAA

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Nearly two months into SAFEclear, Lucas Wall’s Move It! column today covers the issue of motorists who already pay for a roadside assistance program like AAA. Houston bloggers were covering this early on, with Houston Metroblogging posting a link to AAA of Texas’ website’s SAFEClear information page, which blogHOUSTON then linked, too.

Wall points out that with the two SAFEclear program overhauls, groups like AAA have been scrambling to keep up with the changes that affect members, but a quick check of Wall’s columns since the beginning of the year shows that this is the first time he has covered this SAFEclear angle. Early on, when SAFEclear was being dissected on other local media outlets, the subject of what to do if a motorist had an auto club membership was often a topic of conversation.

Also, in his column, Wall writes this:

All of this has auto-club members wondering what to do if they break down on a Houston freeway. AAA has posted guidelines in its Web site,

That should have been a hotlink to AAA of Texas’ website and it should have gone directly to the SAFEclear page. We have seen the Chronicle include hotlinks in online stories, columns and blogs, so we know it’s possible.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.