Why the sudden fixation on Rosa Parks?

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The Chronicle, which earlier in the week ran a staff editorial comparing Cindy Sheehan to Rosa Parks, today runs an op-ed by D.C.-area resident Diane Twinam that makes another unfortunate comparison to Rosa Parks:

The trouble is that the law is out of sync with economic and social realities in the United States — especially with the job market. Many of those who decry illegal immigration willfully ignore the economic benefits it provides to much of the society. For most of the 11 million undocumented people in this country, this is the first law they have ever broken — a law that makes no more sense to them than the laws requiring segregated seating on buses made to Rosa Parks.

Her attempt to draw upon Rosa Parks is as silly as the editorial board’s earlier attempt. The fact is, Twinam’s husband is an illegal alien. That they have a child complicates the matter. But it has nothing to do with the issues or legacy of Rosa Parks.

Incidentally, the op-ed is “olds” that first ran in the Washington Post on Wednesday, so perhaps it inspired the editorial board’s own silly reference to Rosa Parks on Friday.

Elsewhere on the editorial page, Councilmember Mark Ellis, who has proposed that HPD’s sanctuary policy be terminated, pens an op-ed on the issue of immigration:

Short of throwing out every congressman and state legislator who doesn’t seem to get it, we can and should implement policies that at the very least discourage illegal immigrants from calling Texas home. We can do so with effective leadership at the state and local level that accomplishes the following:

About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX