Various media outlets reported the bad news yesterday: An HPD officer had been shot and killed in the line of duty.
Here is the Chronicle‘s account:
A 12-year veteran of the Houston Police Department was fatally wounded during a routine traffic stop in southeast Houston this evening.
Police Chief Harold Hurtt identified the dead officer as Rodney Johnson, a 40-year-old Houston native.
Hurtt said Johnson was fatally wounded shortly after stopping an unidentified 32-year-old man, who was driving a white Dodge truck near the intersection of Randolph and Braniff.
An unidentified woman was a passenger in the truck, Hurtt said.
Johnson, Hurtt said, handcuffed the man and placed him in the back of his squad car.
“Shortly thereafter, the officer was shot while sitting inside the vehicle,” Hurtt said.
Our sincere condolences go out to the family of officer Johnson.
Our ongoing thanks go out to the law-enforcement professionals who go out every day and take this chance to keep our community safe.
We’d additionally ask you to consider a donation to The 100 Club, which helps survivors and dependents of officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.
BLOGVERSATION: Cigars, Donuts, and Coffee, Ain’t Chicken, Lone Star Times, Greg’s Opinion.