KPRC trumpets email allegedly critical of Jordy Tollett

Image credit: Pixabay

KPRC-2 “has obtained” an email “regarding” an alleged vote of no-confidence by a local hotel group against Jordy Tollett.

That seems like a slim factual basis for a news story, but KPRC doesn’t seem to have any trepidation over running with information perceived as damaging to Tollett.

It’s been clear for some time that Mayor White wants Tollett out at GHCVB, but it’s not clear that this latest KPRC hit piece is all that helpful to the mayor.

UPDATE (10-20-2006): KPRC’s Robert Arnold emails us that there was definitely a no-confidence vote by the hotel group, that he spoke to two sources who cast ballots during the vote and a third source who was not present but confirmed that the vote took place. Arnold indicates that the email quoted in the story was sent by the group to all board members.

None of that was clear from the story, so we appreciate Mr. Arnold’s email and permission to update this post with that relevant information!

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Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX