Council to debate airport advertising contract

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An airport advertising contract will be a topic for Council to discuss next week, and according to KHOU-11’s Doug Miller, the advertising isn’t aimed at passengers:

On the council agenda next week is an airport advertising contract: $600,000 a year for three years.

They’ve actually had a similar contract for the last four years, but now that it’s been put out for another bid some council members are asking a simple question: “Why in the world do Houston’s airports need to advertise?”

“If they want to fly into Houston, they’re going to have to fly into one of our airports and not our lakes,” said council member Addie Wiseman.

But aviation officials said passengers are not exactly the target here.

“The main target market is decision-makers at airlines, decision makers at distribution companies, all these kind of businesses that make the airports grow,” said Rich Fernandez with the Houston Aviation Department.

For example, the city’s building a new airport facility for perishable cargo like flowers and fruits.

Ads in trade journals could help convince foreign importers to fly their perishable goods into the U.S. through Houston.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.