launches Cancer Diva blog

Image credit: Pixabay

Today, launched a slightly different kind of blog from its usual fare: Cancer Diva.

It’s written by a Chronicle staffer, Terry Hayes, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Hayes seems determined to spend what time she has left joyfully — and to write about it. Here’s a blurb from her first post:

On the medical end, I’ve had… two major surgeries; countless CT scans, ultrasounds and blood tests; two colonoscopies and an EGD; installation of a “port” for chemo infusion; three MRIs, a bone marrow extraction, and a PET scan; malignant ascites (my personal favorite!); shingles on my neck and shoulders; bright red rashes on my face; hair thinning at an alarming rate; oily, zit splattered skin (like being a teen again!); and skin so dry and tight that I couldn’t turn my neck; and more!

But even through all the badness (and the weirdness), LOTS of awesome stuff has happened, too.

I traveled to New York City, San Francisco, London and Paris. I bought a tiny dream car. I threw a Halloween/Dia de los Muertos party. Most importantly, I realized I have a remarkable family, friends who would do anything for me, and co-workers with hearts of gold.

There’s a lot to like about this lady’s outlook (and a lot not to like about her terminal illness). I’ve added Cancer Diva to my feedreader. Maybe some readers here will find it compelling also.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX