KPRC: Greek sisters and hometown airline take on fires in Greece

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KPRC-2 runs a story on some local Greeks and the hometown airline teaming up to help fight the raging fires in Greece:

A Houston radio personality and her sister need donations to try to save part of their homeland, KPRC Local 2 reported Thursday. Kathy Christie Dasigenis was on vacation in Greece when massive fires broke out.

“Taking off from Greece was quite emotional because you feel so helpless,” Dasigenis said. “You are scared. You want to go home. You don’t know really how to help. As you’re taking off, all you can see is fire after fire after fire.”

Dasigenis’ sister, Roula Christie of 104.1 KRBE’s Roula & Ryan Show, was back home in Houston and already working on a plan to save as much of Greece as she could.


A third sister searched the Internet and found Barricade Gel, a fire-blocking product. She called the makers and told them about the plan.

The sisters still had to find a way to buy enough gel to make a difference.

They set up the Arcadians of Texas fund at Washington Mutual Bank. They have raised about $19,000.

Another stumbling block was finding a way to get the gel to Greece.

One of the sisters is a flight attendant for Continental Airlines. Christie sent an e-mail to Chief Executive Officer Larry Kellner.

“Within three minutes he called my cell phone,” Christie said.

Continental agreed to ship the gel to Greece.

The sisters planned to fly to Greece on Friday to personally deliver the product.

Several members of the blogHOUSTON crew would be more than happy to help deliver the materials, personally. But it sounds like the three sisters have things under control.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX