Why can't Houstonians have access to real-time crime info?

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The Chronicle‘s Carolyn Feibel posts about a third-party subscription service that takes area crime data and moves it to easily searchable maps, and suggests that it might be a solution for the City of Houston if Mayor White and Chief Hurtt are actually serious about providing real-time crime data to citizens.

That might be one way to go, but we thought the City was moving forward with its not-Compstat technology, which supposedly will provide current crime data. Why can’t that system have a public component, replete with maps? CAN the new system even provide searchable real-time data?

We know Compstat can provide searchable real-time data, and to see it in action, one only needs to visit the Compstat part of the Los Angeles Police Department’s website. I was just able to look at current crime statistics. Then I clicked over to LAPD’s crimemaps section, which combines real-time searchable crime data with maps. Very slick.

Since Jay Wall and associates began writing about Compstat regularly, Chief Hurtt has done his best to shrug off the tool, despite its proven effectiveness in New York (and now LA). So, we very much look forward to the announcement on Chief Hurtt’s blog that MayorWhiteChiefHurtt’s preferred system can do everything that LAPD Chief William Bratton’s Compstat system can do. We sense we might be waiting a while on that.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX