Where in Texas is Mayor White?

Image credit: Pixabay

With apologies to Carmen Sandiego, we’ve been amused to see Senate-candidate White traveling the state in search of money and votes, trying very
hard not to sound like the good progressive he resembles in, uh, more urban settings.

A week ago he was in East Texas, talking jobs and the economy:

White says, “You know the people of East Texas they just want the American dream, they come from different backgrounds and they know education is important and the economy, so is worker re-training cause there’s a lot of people, they get laid off they need to be able to get re-trained so they can have a job that has a future for them.”

Do you think he talked about hybrid cars and weatherizing homes, too?

He also squeezed in a bit of grooming as well.

A couple of days later, he was in the Rio Grande Valley, talking education and balanced budgets:

White said his experience in dealing with disasters, balancing budgets and handling other municipal chores would serve him if he is elected to the U.S. Senate.

“I know how to improve productivity and I know how to balance budgets,” he said. “Those skills are really important in Washington.”

Mayor White’s idea of a balanced budget involves borrowing lots of money to pay current debt obligations in order to free up money for operating expenses. It’s similar to using a credit card to make one’s mortgage payments.

It’s also worth remembering when Mayor White hit the trifecta of his disaster/budget/municipal chore acumen: when he proposed using leftover Hurricane Ike funds to help first-time homebuyers pay off debts and improve their credit scores. Yeah, that went over real well.

As the campaign season rolls along, we’ll try to keep an eye out for the further adventures of Senate-candidate White as he treks across Texas.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.