City notifies media of Ashby highrise decision, neglects to inform developers

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Last week, the city’s public works department did what many astute political agencies have done over the years, and dropped some controversial news into the perceived weekend media black hole.

In a press release, director Andy Icken informed the developers of the Ashby highrise local media that the most recent revisions to the proposed Ashby highrise development met his approval, sufficiently reducing estimated traffic to allow the developers to move forward. Icken also informed that his decision was partly motivated by the desire to avoid litigation, making it as much a political decision as a technocratic one — not that the continued politicization of an ostensibly technocratic agency comes as any surprise to blogHOUSTON readers.

Michael Reed, whose reporting on this topic has been invaluable, got this great quote from the developers on Friday:

“We don’t know what kind of mood to be in. It’s kind of bittersweet,” Morgan said. “We found out from you. Thank you for the press release (forwarded from the city).”

Mayor Bill White, of course, came to oppose the development after affluent neighbors voiced their displeasure with him, and his administration managed to delay it for quite some time.

We’re not entirely sure why Mayor White, in the last months of his administration and busily campaigning for another office, decided to let this latest proposal go through. Perhaps he decided it will be the next mayor’s problem.

City Controller Annise Parker immediately made her bid to be the champion of the well-heeled anti-highrise crowd, criticizing the decision and arguing that a new ordinance is needed to govern such developments. Councilmember Peter Brown took time out from his vacation in France to tweet about the decision. Gene Locke… wants everyone to know he has the endorsement of the Houston Police Officers Union, but perhaps he has since issued a statement and we just missed it*.

NEWS COVERAGE: Chronicle, KIAH-39, KRIV-26, KHOU-11, KPRC-2.

UPDATE (08/24/09): Rich Connelly elaborated on our concluding graf at 5:06 PM today on Hair Balls, and Mike Snyder elaborated on it at 8:00 PM tonight.

UPDATE (08/25/09): Rich Connelly finally got the “me too!” out of the Locke campaign.

BLOGVERSATION: Houston’s Clear Thinkers.

* We look forward to Mr. Locke’s “me too!” on the Ashby matter.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX