More seamy details in home foreclosure story

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Lone Star Times did some digging into the suspicious home foreclosure that was in the media a couple of weeks ago, and here’s what David Benzion found:

LST has confirmed that as early as 1994, Terry H. Sears, an attorney for the Briarhills Homeowners Association that executed a non-judicial foreclosure last September on a home owned by Pamela Bernhardt, has sold 9 other foreclosed homes to the purchaser of Bernhardt’s property, Nancy M. Groves.


Sears denied to LST that he had any sort of financial “relationship” with Groves, noting that the auction at which Bernhardt’s home was sold was “open to the public”, conducted by the property’s “trustee”, and that Groves had simply been “the highest bidder”.

When pressed, Sears acknowledged that he himself had been the trustee for the auction.

Asked by LST how many other bidders had expressed an interest in or attempted to purchase Bernhardt’s home, Sears replied that he “could not recall.”

There’s much more in this nice example of citizen journalism.

The big question is where are all the local media watchdogs on this story? Where’s the Chronicle? Why didn’t the KHOU-11 Defenders investigate this? Where is KTRK-13’s Action 13 or Undercover 13? And KPRC-2…oh nevermind. Radar’s diet is obviously more important. Or maybe the station is testing a new brand of underwear.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.