Chron Move It columnist recaps experiences riding METRO buses

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Chronicle Move It columnist Rosanna Ruiz has been commuting by bus in recent days, and recaps some of the experiences in today’s column, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement of transit in Houston:

For rookie riders, the bus system can take some time to figure out. You must first make sense of the tangle of routes and transfers that can require an abundance of time to get to a destination.

The trip planner on Metro’s Web site can frustrate, too. Intersections, rather than street addresses, are required, which then should result in a handful of options. Miss your bus and another may not arrive within the hour.

A trip from my home to the Chronicle took about 45 minutes on the bus, plus walking a few blocks. A typical drive into work usually requires 15 minutes.

The first day of my Metro odyssey involved six buses, two more than necessary.

After an assignment, I mindlessly took a bus heading in the wrong direction. The other was a case of the right route, but the wrong bus. The result was an additional hour to my commute.

The rest of the column contains various observations about other bus patrons, bus drivers, and even the mechanical condition of the buses.

Although not as *ahem* colorful as some of Laurence Simon‘s past recaps of the METRO experience, it’s good to see the Chron transit columnist actually checking out the daily performance of the main transit organization on her beat. That’s more curiosity than we saw from her predecessor over a number of years.

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Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX