Is Mayor White searching for a Richmond-line compromise?

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Last week Tom Bazan forwarded a KTRH-740 story that said Mayor White may seek a compromise on Metro’s University Line-Richmond leg in response to the threat of a lawsuit:

As public hearings on the controversial “University” or west Houston rail line begin this week, Mayor Bill White says he may be looking at a compromise plan to head off the threat of a lawsuit over the proposed line.


A citizens’ group made up of west side residents, mainly from the Afton Oaks area, have hired attorneys and say they’re considering a lawsuit if the line is placed on Richmond. The group says a 2003 rail referendum, which was approved by city voters, showed maps that included rail on Westpark, not Richmond.

White admits Metro’s in something of a quandary: “I’d be very, very surprised if there’s any final plan to put rail through that (Afton Oaks) neighborhood. Now, there’s other parts that are on Richmond, but very close to main street, for example the University of Saint Thomas and all of its students who strongly support rail.”

White says its going to be a balancing act to appease both groups. The “balancing” could include plans to put part of the rail line on Richmond, then shift the other part south toward 59 and Westpark. Metro’s board has to approve any final routes. However, Houston’s mayor has a disproportionate amount of influence on Metro because he appoints five of the nine board members which oversee the transit authority.

Mayor White doesn’t like public embarrassment, and anything that might derail (sorry!) HIS new and improved Metro Solutions plan must be stopped. You can bet he’s searching for a way to save face on what has turned out to be a PR disaster.

(I’d provide the link to KTRH’s story, but it’s no longer available, having been replaced by another story. It is incomprehensible that KTRH cannot see the value in having an archive of their terrific local news stories, especially Brent Fuller’s.)

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.